Mixed tenses - Interactive worksheet
C Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use the Future Simple, be going to,. Future Perfect or Future Continuous. 1. The concert . Circle the best future form to complete these sentences. 1. Don't worry about your driving test! I'm sure you'll pass / you're passing . English language quiz on future (Quiz 01) for stdudents of English as a foreign or second language Future verb forms quiz 1 Download Intermediate (PDF). ID: 19780. Language: English School subject: English as a Second Language ( ESL) Level/group: pre-intermediate. Age: 14+. Main content: Future tenses We use simple future tense to talk about future activities or statements. A present or future certainty is given by will + base form of the verb. Subject Exercises: TEST YOUR GRAMMAR. ALL THE PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE TENSES. Level: intermediate. Age: 14-17. Downloads: 3303
15 May 2015 34 multiple choice questions about future tenses(will,be going to and elementary school and adults at Pre-intermediate (A2), Intermediate Review all your tenses- present, past, and future. For intermediate level to advanced students. Focus on the time words to write the verb 30,385 Downloads. Future Tense with “Going To” – What is Sara going to do? Below is Sara's schedule for next week. Read it and then answer the questions that follow in complete. C Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use the Future Simple, be going to,. Future Perfect or Future Continuous. 1. The concert . Circle the best future form to complete these sentences. 1. Don't worry about your driving test! I'm sure you'll pass / you're passing . English language quiz on future (Quiz 01) for stdudents of English as a foreign or second language Future verb forms quiz 1 Download Intermediate (PDF). ID: 19780. Language: English School subject: English as a Second Language ( ESL) Level/group: pre-intermediate. Age: 14+. Main content: Future tenses
C Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use the Future Simple, be going to,. Future Perfect or Future Continuous. 1. The concert . Circle the best future form to complete these sentences. 1. Don't worry about your driving test! I'm sure you'll pass / you're passing . English language quiz on future (Quiz 01) for stdudents of English as a foreign or second language Future verb forms quiz 1 Download Intermediate (PDF). ID: 19780. Language: English School subject: English as a Second Language ( ESL) Level/group: pre-intermediate. Age: 14+. Main content: Future tenses We use simple future tense to talk about future activities or statements. A present or future certainty is given by will + base form of the verb. Subject Exercises: TEST YOUR GRAMMAR. ALL THE PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE TENSES. Level: intermediate. Age: 14-17. Downloads: 3303 The Future Tenses in English, use of the simple future, going to future, present progressive and present simple, online exercises.
29 Apr 2013 Test yourself with this quick future tenses exercises, complete the sentences by choosing the correct future tense form for each verb, left blank. Task No. 4443. Use the verbs in brackets in the correct future tenses – will-future, going to-future, Simple Present or Present Progressive. Show example English Tests. Here you will find tests on all topics of our grammar section that are explained in more detail. English Test: Tenses: Present Progressive: Level 1 Future Perfect Tense--will or shall + have + past participle. • Used to express an action which will be completed by a specified time in the future. The sentence Conditional Sentences – First Condition (Future Possible). Verb Tenses in First Conditional Sentences. Directions: Choose the correct verb tense in each of the